Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 12, 2010

CF-18 CN16 Voltage Output Trade fror Comport, GPS and Bluetooth info.

Ok guys here's the trade.
I cracked open my CF-18 (CF-18DHB22KA) and started going at it with a multimeter so you guys can benefit.

ill attach the image with what i have learned so far.

But i would like to know/link me to some information on and ill post links to what i know so far:

The internal com port that is mentioned in the BIOS (Serial Port B) and how I can tap into it to add a second com port.
or more then 2 by using the sled?

The internal GPS Pins and how i could connect a GPS to them.
Adding Aftermarket Internal GPS to the CF-18
is there any more information on the pins ohlip talks about?

And the internal USB ports and Internal Bluetooth.
I am under the impression there might be another usb port on the docking bay connector.
How to adding a bluetooth-stick into the cf-29
is there a diagram like the one onirakkiss made but with the CF-18 pins?

Also at the moment i cant get my bluetooth switch software to start.

Is there a pin i need to join to another or something so it thinks its connected?

that's it for now guys.
i have also connected the sled and i am mapping what pins turn on and off with the wireless CDMA button on the front.
but more about that later.

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