Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 12, 2010

CF-VDW07 Wireless Display HOW-TO...

How to get your CF-VDW07 display WORKING.

I FINALLY got my CF-VDW07M working on my machine, and WITH the Atheros AR5006X Mini-PCI card I have installed.
Once I get a second WiFi card installed, I'll have my internet on the machine again...

First, GO HERE:

Click on software, drivers & firmware.
Enter CFVDW07 in the Model Number Dialog Box.
Click search.
This will list ALL available downloads for these displays.
Download the following 2 zip files:

This is the firmware upgrade for the handheld; it makes it possible to use the meiWDS software listed below:

This latest version of meiWDS works on many different models, Panasonic and otherwise, including the CF-07.

Unzip the firmware upgrade file to its own directory; read and understand BOTH the README file and the UpgradeWirelessDisplayV2.doc files BEFORE you begin.
There are TWO versions of the firmware updater; one for transflective models, one for high-brightness models.
If you use the wrong one, you may turn your handheld INTO A BRICK.

You need a SERIAL DB9 FEMALE to DB9 FEMALE Crossover or NULL MODEM cable for this; it will have BOTH ends that look like the plug on an OLD SERIAL MOUSE (Look at the serial port on the Handheld to see the one you want to be able to plug into), and it will be wired as seen in the image below.
You will need an AC adapter for your CF-VDW07 as well as the one for your laptop.

At this point, you are ready to upgrade the firmware on the handheld; follow the directions in the UpgradeWirelessDisplayV2.doc file.

Once you've successfully upgraded the firmware in your handheld as seen in the last panel, it's time to install meiWDS.
This is pretty much self explanatory; it will prompt you a couple times, then ask if you want to reboot.

Now that you've got your handheld ready and meiWDS ready, all that remains is to set up the wireless connection.
This is where it gets sticky.

Get this document:

As before, read it and understand it.
(If possible) The steps are as follows; how you do it depends ENTIRELY on YOUR Wireless Client software.
First, you create a NEW WIFI PROFILE.
Name it something easy, like Wireless Display.

Make it an AD HOC or PEER TO PEER connection.
Turn OFF security, Turn OFF LEAP (If present).
(This is only to prevent unnecessary interference; it will also work in AUTO mode as well)

At this point you need to turn on the handheld as shown in the directions; get the necessary SSID as generated by handheld, (cfvdw07-xxxxx) and the necessary IP ADDRESS as generated by handheld.
(This will vary according to what class address you use; as we are private users, FCC regs dictate it should be class C)

Enter the SSID into your new profile.
Activate it.
Go to Network Connections in Device Manager; right click on your WiFi connection, then Properties.
(Or whatever route you prefer to get to TCP/IP settings) Click on ;Use the following IP address;.

Enter the IP ADDRESS & SUBNET MASK given by your handheld.
DO NOT enter anything for DNS Server.
Click OK.

Left-click on the meiWDS icon in your SysTray; click on Password in the resultant dialog box.
Enter password collected from Setup screen of handheld.
(Default is ;wdsp; )

At this point, you SHOULD be able to click on CONNECT at the bottom of the Network Settings window on your handheld, and it should try to connect.
It will show as ;CONNECTING to; (depending on the IP address of your PC) then ;Receiving initial Screen;.

If, like me, it shows ;ASSOCIATED; at bottom of GENERAL tab in Menu screen but eventually times out saying ;Failed to initialize session;, don't FREAK.
It means the WiFi connection is there, it's just being blocked.

If you have Norton, McAfee, Trend, AVG, or any other AntiVirus/Spyware suite running, try disabling it.
If you have Windows Firewall turned on, try disabling it.
If EITHER of these work, YAY! you're ALMOST THERE!

If your fault was Windows Firewall, (as mine was) click on the ;Exceptions; tab, and add an exception for TCP Port 11900.
Click OK, then OK.
Make sure the ;Allow Exceptions; box is ticked ON.
Close Windows Firewall.
Things should now work JUST AS THEY DID with Windows Firewall turned off.

YAY! You're DONE!

If it was with another Internet Security program that was your problem, don't fret.
You should be able to create an exception in them for meiWDS, and/or TCP Port 11900.

Now that you have a handle on how to get hooked up on a simple peer to peer connection, you may want to experiment with the INFRASTRUCTURE MODE Connection.
Remember, you will have to have a dedicated WAP unless you wish to flashback to the ;Rocks & Spears Security; of the stone age of wireless connectivity.

Also, now that you have a connection to the handheld you can use the WdspSU utility (Installed in your Programs Menu with meiWDS) to change the IP addresses as you see fit for your own networking strategy, plus you can enable the rudimentary security available on Wireless B.

Also, see these threads for our collected tinkering on this subject:

CF-VDW07 Wireless Display Install/Config

CF-VDW07 Display

Toughbook wireless display

All right, you maniacs!
Take what I've collected here AND GET REMOTIN'!

and BTW - an extra special THANKS to rcx for the last piece of the puzzle!

WiFi? WhyNotFi?

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