Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 12, 2010

Core 2 Quad Q9000 versus Core 2 Duo T9800

Dear all,

i have the opportunity to buy a 8730w on a very good price but can not choose between the following two:

1. Intel Core 2 Quad Q9000 (2,0Ghz,1066Mhz FSB, 6MB Cache);

2. Intel Core 2 Duo T9800 (2,93Ghz,1066Mhz FSB, 6MB Cache);

Ok, the first one seems better because the quad core, but the same price makes me a bit unstable. (:

Every other parameters seems to be the same (display, gfx card - quadro fx 2700M etc) and 3year warranty on each.

Would be using for hi-poly/subd modelling / rendering + painter and adobe illustrator

Thank You!

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