Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 12, 2010

Bluray Panasonic UJ-232A and Panasonic UJ-242A differences?

Hi i have considered getting a bluray drive for my . I have gathered that these Lenovo's bluray drives likely can be used if they are stripped and i use my own bezel.

The UJ232A does not support DVD+R Double Layer and DVD-R Double Layer and i use this media and it is cheaper than the bluray alternative.

I haven't been able to locate the specs of the UJ-242A. Are they exactly the same? If not does the UJ242A support DVD+R Double Layer and DVD-R Double Layer? Does anyone know where there is a spec sheet?

In terms of physical design are the drives actually the same with the location of the eject button and pin hole of the bezel?

Thank you

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